For torrenters around the world it was a day of remembrance! The world's biggest and most popular file-sharing/torrent-indexing website, Kickasstorrents, was formally barred and its 30-year-old developer, Artem Vaulin, was taken into police custody on charges of illegal copyright piracy and money laundering.
The abrupt and unannounced demise of the biggest torrent pool left torrent geeks searching for a suitable replacement to the Kickass torrents. Kickass has the most structured and full torrents database, making it popular amongst torrent communities!
We've compiled an absolute list of best alternatives to Kickass Torrents to blow you away from misery, check it out!
Fortunately there are quite a few Kickass Torrents Alternatives out there to satisfy your appetite for movies and television shows.
In fact the torrent giant Kickass Torrents is not dead. Why? For what? That is because is a replacement for KAT, giving the same experience the KAT once had.
If you click anywhere on the site, will not open any additional or unrelated pages which we believe is a plus. Since it immediately curtails distracting pop-ups, as a result.